Lesson Plan Two: Research as Inquiry

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Research as Inquiry refers to an understanding that research is iterative and depends upon asking increasingly complex or new questions whose answers develop additional questions or lines of inquiry in any field.

To broaden my understanding on this framework we have been asked to design a lesson /learning activity.

Image result for Research as Inquiry

Topic: What is the role played by the University of the Western Cape (UWC) library in providing information literacy to first year, Library and Information Science students.

Objective of the Task: To determine the role played by the library in providing information literacy  to first year LIS students.

Question which needs to be dealt with: To what extent does the UWC library contribute  to the  LIS program, with regards  to information literacy.

Learning Outcome
Learning Activity
          Students should be able to make use of the vast information sources which are available at the institution to gather data.
     From the information gathered students should be able to broaden their knowledge and further probe by conducting interviews with the affected parties.
  Students should be able to analyse the information gathered, in ordered to determine the gaps which need to be filled (Monitor gathered information and assess for gaps or weaknesses). In order to create new knowledge
      Students will be required to go through various articles which they have gathered  in order to see which subject or subjects relating to the topic has not been attempted.
         Students should be able to bring ideas together from the multiple information sources which they have retrieved, which in turn will cultivate their intellectual curiosity .
     Students will be compelled do a PowerPoint presentation, presenting their findings and short coming of the researched topic.  


I will refer to the first activity, students should be able to follow the correct ethical procedures  and legal guidelines in order for them to be able to conduct their interviews in gathering information which they will use in their research presentation. 


  1. This is very informative. NICELY DONE

  2. A good attempt Laurentia. However, you failed to show how each activity, except for number 1, is aligned to the knowledge practices.


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