Searching is an exploration
Targeted audience group: Durban University of Technology LIS first year students, who have been registered for the extended curriculum program.
Topic: The need for information literacy as a module to for first year varsity students.
Learning outcomes:
- Students should be able to locate and use various data bases which deal with the specific subject matter ( and brainstorm ideas in order to select the best suitable information source)
- Be able to make use of the advance searching option in order to refine their searching strategy by making use of the BOOLEAN searching operators
- Students should be able to understand how information systems are organised in order to access relevant information sources, and be able to recognize and use of citations found in the different information sources.
- Students will be asked to bring three different sources of materials they used and explain to the class how they got to the sources by showing the different cited sources they accessed.
- Should will be asked to access three different databases of their choice and print out articles around the subject of information literacy a a module for first year varsity students.
- Students will then be asked to give feedback to the rest of the class showing how they were able to refine their searches to get to the relevant articles.
- One of the activity that the learners will have to do, will prove to them that one will have to make use of various searching strategies to get to the adequate result
- Will also recognize that information sources vary in content and relevance depending on the information need.
- That they should persist when they encounter searching challenges, and know when they had enough information to complete their task.
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